AJA KONA 5 Cable Kit, contains 1x Breakout Cable and 5x HDBNC Pigtails


Important Notice

  • This item is noncancelable and nonreturnable.


  • For use with AJA Kona 5 12G-SDI.


The AJA Kona 5 ships with an included breakout cable that offers extensive connectivity for AES, RS-422 control support and reference. The AJA Kona 5 Cable Kit (1x Breakout Cable, and 5x HD BNC Pigtails) is an additional or replacement cable kit for use with the AJA Kona 5.

Key Features:

Breakout Cable:
  • 8 channels of AES/EBU inputs on 4 x BNC.
  • 8 channels of AES/EBU outputs on 4 x BNC.
  • LTC input and output on 2 x BNC.
  • RS-422 on 9-pin connector.
BNC Pigtails:
  • 5x HDBNC to full-size BNC “pigtails” to ensure out-of-the box compatibility with your SDI infrastructure.