AVP Broadcast Maxxum Color Code System – Caps – All Color Multi-Packs of 30, 60 or 100 / 30 x 13 = 390 caps total
Maxxum Color Code System – Caps
Multi-Packs of all 13 colors in quantities of 30, 60 & 100
30 x 13 = 390 caps total
60 x 13 = 780 caps total
100 x 13 = 1300 caps total
Snaps onto the Snap Cap screw supplied
with each Maxxum module.
Color code your panels for instant circuit,
studio or editing suite recognition.
The colors are: Black, Brown, Red, Orange,
Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Gray,
White, Aqua, Beige & Magenta.
Product & Designation Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PDF